松油醇是由蒎烯水合制得的一種萜烯醇,爲無色粘稠(chóu)液體,具有(yǒu)甜的紫丁香味,易溶于乙醇,微溶于水和甘油,對純堿很穩定。 Terpineol is a kind of terpineol which compounded from pinene, a colorless and thick liquid of hydration, the sweet smell of lilac, is easily dissolvable in alcohol, little dissolvable in water and glycerol .it ’ s very stable in base. 分子式 Molecular formula : C 10 H 18 O 分子量 Molecular Wt. : 154.25 用 途: 用于配制香皂、化(huà)妝品和(hé)香料,亦是印制鐵皮、玻璃器(qì)皿等上(shàng)彩的優良溶(róng)劑,低濃度的松油醇用做浮選劑(jì)、消毒劑和清洗劑。 USE: I t ’ s suitable for making up perfumed soap cosmetics and perfume. I t also acts as excellent solvent on iron sheet printing and enameling of glass wares. L ow concentrations t erpineol can be used as flotation agent, wash agent and disinfectant. T erpineol is widely used in ink making, chemical industry, light industry, medicine and telecommunications, etc. 包 裝(zhuāng): 53加侖鍍鋅鐵桶包裝,淨重185kg。貯存(cún)于幹燥.通風.陰涼處,不可近火。 Packing: Net wt. 185kgs. P acking in 53 gallons galvanized iron drums. Storage d in dry, ventilate , and cool place, stow away from fire. 技術指标(biāo) Technical specifications 輕工(gōng)行 業标準 Light industry ’s Std. QB /T 2617